Welcome to AmpereSoft

simply faster engineering

Powering smart Processes with appreciated Software Tools and skilled Consulting


The new version of the ToolSystem is here!

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The current release 2025.1 again offers many new features that turn the solution into a complete, well-rounded system that covers all the requirements of a modern engineering process.

Click here to go to the download area..

The seminar dates for 2025 are fixed!


We want you to benefit as much as possible from our software solutions. To help you achieve optimum results, we offer training and further education courses to teach you how to use the AmpereSoft ToolSystem correctly.
We look forward to seeing you!

All seminar dates for 2025 can be found here.

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Worldwide. Open-minded.


In more than 90 countries
our tools are in use.
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Practice oriented. Experienced.


More than 30 years
of know-how and progress.
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Independent. Personal.

Love to help.

Over 6,500 registered users
profit from more efficient processes.

The AmpereSoft ToolSystem

Optimization your engineering processes
with a consistent standardized data base

Prozesskreis 2020 englisch

AmpereSoft ToolSystem combines innovative software tools for your engineering process. You benefit from the shared use of once captured data. That way your projects information will grow with every process step, you keep track of all and can follow changes and be sure to accordingly take them into account in every process step. The common data base - e.g. manufacturer's extensive and detailed product data - is at any time available for every tool. This ensures the required quality control and documentation.


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with AmpereSoft ToolSystem

Our experts offer advice

in the optimal use of our tools by professional support and trainings

Over 4,000 companies worldwide have confidence in our products!

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This is what our users say

CAD.de Forum

"Selten habe ich eine Firma erlebt, die derart schnell auf Wünsche und Anregungen aus dem Kundenkreis reagiert, und zwar in allen Bereichen, sei es in Matclass oder auch in Proplan. Wenn Wünsche stimmig sind, werden sie sehr schnell umgesetzt. Auch bei Programmabstürzen, wenn Sie denn vorkommen, bekommt man umgehend Unterstützung und Hilfe."
"Ich nutze ProPlan schon sehr lange...
Gerade in Großanlagen, mit vielen Schaltschränken und Verknüpfungen zwischen vielen Funktionsgruppen ist ProPlan für mich UNSCHLAGBAR...
Alle Querveweise  sind online sofort richtig durchnummeriert, egal was und wo man was dazwischen schiebt oder weglöscht!
Das schont richtig die Nerven…."

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