AmpereSoft ToolDataManager 300px

AmpereSoft ToolDataManager

The cross-project search and maintenance tool (local / network)
 for your work with AmpereSoft ProPlan.

Integrated into the AmpereSoft ToolSystem


Find information quickly

Find fast and easy the required AmpereSoft ProPlan project in selectable directory structure (local/network) under using of project attributes (text markers), standard texts, open texts, symbol names and material attributes.


Effective mass editing

Maintain attributes, symbols and materials, project-specific or cross-projectproject attributes, symbols and material.
In PDF, DXF or DWG format. The selected projects can be easily compressed or archived using mass processing.

Support within project creation

Use the straightforward drag & drop function for opening or creating a new ProPlan project. If needed, use for the new project simply an existing project as a master.

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Consistency in the process
with the AmpereSoft ToolSystem

AmpereSoft ToolDataManager is the tool for effective ProPlan project management and processing. Integrated in the ToolSystem it allows you to quickly find and reuse project content.